Front of Camden Hall
Peg Mayhew

Ms. Peg Mayhew

Accounts Receivable

Peg grew up in Chatham and has always known Hargrave and the staff. When she was in high school, many of the spouses of the men working at Hargrave taught her at Chatham High School and she even attended many of the formal dances at Hargrave. After High School graduation she attended National Business College in Roanoke, Virginia. 

She began at Hargrave in September 1987, working in the business office handling Accounts Receivable and is still in that position, but with additional duties. The business office is a very busy place and she has enjoyed her work here. After over 30 years at Hargrave, she has met so many wonderful people from all over the world.

Hargrave has been like a second home to me and I have learned so much during my time here.

— Ms. Peg Mayhew