Accepting Applications for Mid-Term Fall '24, Spring '25, & Fall '25

Group of cadets gathered at final formation.

Cadet Life

Hargrave Military Academy is committed to providing our cadets with a safe and supportive learning environment. Hazing, bullying, and acts of aggression are not tolerated.

Boarding Cadet Experience

Boarding Cadets live in adult-supervised dorms, otherwise called barracks. They live in two-man rooms, with the opportunity to earn a single room by working hard, exceeding standards, and taking on leadership positions.

Cadets are part of “companies” within the military model. Boarding Cadets in Grades 7–9 are in Delta Company, while those in Grades 10–12 or Post Graduate are part of Alpha or Bravo Company. Charlie Company is composed of day Cadets, who are also assigned their own dorm rooms for changing clothes and storing uniforms and other personal items during the academic day. These companies have Cadet leaders who ensure the daily schedule is followed, rooms and common areas are cleaned, and accountability is maintained.

Health & Wellness

Hargrave maintains a 24-hour fully-equipped 18-bed infirmary, which is considered Hargrave’s first line of defense in a Cadet health crisis. Four nurses staff Hargrave’s infirmary and work in 24-hour shifts. Our skilled nurses usually get to an injured Cadet faster than our local EMS, which is only a block away. They also work closely with Hargrave’s athletic trainer when various sports-related injuries occur. The Hargrave nursing staff manages doctor’s visits and prescribed medications for the entire Corps of Cadets. They ensure that the doctor’s orders are followed, appointments are kept, and that care is provided.

Day Cadet Fast Facts

  • Day Cadets operate from the same handbook as Boarding Cadets and have the same policies for the academic day.
  • Uniforms, daily life, and expectations are identical for all Cadets.
  • Monday–Friday: Day Cadets arrive at 0700 (7:00 AM)
  • Monday–Friday: Day Cadets may leave after sports practice / physical education class at 1745 (5:45 PM)
  • Day Cadets are required to attend all Special Weekend events and other required weekend training (held on closed weekends)
  • Day Cadets may drive to school and park in the designated parking area