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College Athletes

Initial-Eligibility Certification for Student-Athletes

The National College Athletic Association (NCAA) has determined that Hargrave Military Academy has passed its requirement for initial-eligibility certification of the Academy’s core courses and graduation requirements. The NCAA notified Hargrave of their decision in a letter dated July 3, 2006.

In its continuing effort to better ensure the integrity of academic credentials used by some high schools in the initial college eligibility process, the NCAA is looking at numerous high schools across the country in an effort to shut down “store front” schools. A store-front school is one specifically created to pass athletes into college with little or no additional academic instruction.

The NCAA effort is ongoing. As with all high schools that have passed the initial-eligibility certification, Hargrave is subject to further reviews by the NCAA. The NCAA will also review a prospective student-athlete’s individual academic credentials in the event that irregularities in the student’s academic record are found.

Hargrave maintains strict academic guidelines for all of its students and it works very hard on behalf of all students interested in improving their academic performance for acceptance into NCAA member schools.

For current information, students are encouraged to visit the NCAA Student Athlete webpage.

“The NCAA does not endorse or affiliate with the services of this website. The parent/guardian of a prospective student-athlete should ensure that programs are in compliance with NCAA bylaws. The NCAA website is the only place to receive the most current and accurate information about NCAA rules and regulations.”