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Spring 2006 Varsity Tennis vs. George Washington High School

Hargrave 8 – GWHS 1

The Tigers won 5 of the 6 singles to clinch the match. The Tigers continued to roll as all three doubles were swept to make the match final 8-1. The Tigers improved over a previous 5-4 victory earlier in the season. Singles winners were Grant Guehlich, Robert Dye, Jeff Serrao, Andrew Lu, Adam Malin. In doubles the winning teams were Guehlich and Thomas Moore at #1, Dye and Serrao at #2, Malin and Lu at #3. Other notable play was Robert Dye overcoming a 5 game deficit to win in singles. Jeff Serrao overcame a player he lost to previously. The Tigers,3-2 overall and 1-1 in the VIC play away against Randolf-Henry on Monday, April 10th.

Hargrave Military Academy logo.