Tigers With a Big Win in the Pool!

Amanda Weishaar

On Friday afternoon, your Hargrave Tigers scored a 1st place finish in an outstanding ODAC atmosphere! Here’s how the meet went, according to Head Coach, Amanda Weishaar!

The building was packed! With 7 local teams competing, every team had their own bleacher and people still had to stand. It was a great atmosphere that provided everyone an adrenaline rush to perform their best. 
I would like to thank everyone who was able to attend in person – parents, grandparents, siblings, faculty, staff, coaches, and other cadets; as well as those watching from home. The guys know when you are there and it gives them an additional boost. 
Furthermore the success of this program would not be possible without the effort and enthusiasm from everyone on the swim team. If you were able to watch this near or far, you would have seen the boys at the end of each lane cheering each other on. This is what swimming is all about and the guys loved it!

This swim meet was special because it was also Senior Night. We have 2 seniors that will be leaving HMA at the end of the school year and this was a great opportunity to recognize them for their efforts and contribution to the team. You could not have asked for a fuller house. The boys lined up in 2 lines and hollered and cheered as Ethan Teluk and Will Campion walked between them. This was a chance for them to shine and to remember their time on the HMA swim team!

As always there are some standout moments from Friday’s meet:
– Adams, R (Chatham, VA ’23) Roger swam his first 50 Freestyle and swam just outside 30 seconds. Roger came 1st in his heat; 2nd for HMA; and 4th overall!
– Adkins, B (Gretna, VA ’23). Bryce led from the start, but almost lost his lead when he stopped 50 yards short because he forgot how much he was swimming! That stop did cost him some time (but still came 1st overall), and he still managed to drop 5 seconds off his personal best. I’m excited to see how fast he’ll finish it without stopping for a break midway through next time!
– Campion, W (Chesapeake, VA ’22). Will swam his first HMA swim meet that evening and he’s one of our Butterfly connoisseur’s who has a love/hate relationship with the stroke. Will had a strong first 50 but died on the last 50. But with plenty of time left in the season, we’re hopeful he’ll work on his negative splits!
– Classen, J (McLean, VA ’25). John, AKA “Legs” successfully negotiated with me to swim the 500 Freestyle if I could do a Chick Fil A run this weekend for him! Challenge accepted!! All Legs needed to know for this event was to swim until he saw the 2 orange squares on the lap counter. He came 2nd for HMA and he scored us some extremely valuable points.
– Dykstra, A (Ten Sleep, WY ’23). Aiden stepped up and helped as Co-Captain of this swim meet. He did an excellent job supporting the team and helping with the responsibility. With his tough swimming schedule on Tuesday, Aiden had a smaller meet this time round. It obviously did him good because he dropped nearly 5 seconds off his 100 Freestyle time! He came 1st for HMA; and 2nd overall!
– Ellis, J (Parker, CO ’27). Everyone please thank Jagger for his awesome work on filming the swimming portion of the meet. He really got into it and I hoped you enjoyed his efforts and commitment to the task. Jagger is one of our divers and this was his first dive competition. Although he did the incorrect dive for his 2nd dive, he scored a positive 107.15 with his 6 dives. Jagger will be doing the same dives over the next 2 meets to become more confident and improve upon his scores. 
– Hudson, Kelsten (Danville, VA ’25). Kelsten was our videographer for the diving portion of the swim meet. With steady hands he was able to shoot some great footage for those viewing from home. Please also thank him for his efforts. Kelsten swam the 50 Freestyle and dropped nearly 0.5 seconds off from his first swim meet! This time allowed him to come 3rd for HMA and 6th overall. Kelsten also swam the 100 Backstroke (a new event for him) and he came 1st for HMA, and 5th overall!
– Le, Q (Houston, TX ’23). Sonny is one of our Breaststroke maestros! He dropped 9 seconds from his 100 Breaststroke making him 1st for HMA, and 4th overall. As well as swimming the 100 Freestyle and coming 3rd for HMA, and 8th overall.
– Medina, S (Danville, VA ’23). Sebastian loves the Butterfly and he was able to drop nearly 0.5 seconds off his State qualifying time; as well as 1.3 seconds off his 200 IM State qualifying time. With these times in this meet, he finished 1st overall for both events!
– Pan, C (Bellevue, WA ’27). Carson is one of our 7th graders and even though he cannot score points for HMA, he is doing great at gaining experience in a competition environment. Carson dropped nearly a second off his 50 Freestyle time!
– Posey, J (Forest, VA ’23). Jonathan was competing in his first ever swim meet! I challenged him with 3 events and he had a solid performance across them all. He was 4th for HMA in the 50 Freestyle; and he had good dives off the blocks for the 2 relays he was participating in. He has a lot to give and now we have a base to build from. 
– Satti, Z (Danville, VA ’25). Zain was also in his first ever swim meet! Zain works so hard and he’s showing great improvement for someone so young. I’m excited to see him continue to excel and drop those times.
– Shepler, D (Memphis, TN ’27). Daniel is my 2nd 7th grader and this was also his first swim meet! Daniel thinks too hard but with more competition practice he’ll start to think less and enjoy the experience more!
– Souza, P (Halifax, VA ’25). Patrick is our most experienced diver and he improved from a 120.00 last year to a 128.8 for the first dive meet of the season! Additionally he also PR’d in the 50 Freestyle by dropping his time to under 30 seconds – the first time to do so.
– Teluk, E (Manilus, NY ’22). Ethan was lucky as the referee missed the 1 handed final touch on the 100 Breaststroke! Unfortunately it was no PR for him that evening but there’s still plenty of swim meets before the season is over.
– Verwest, J (Fort Myers, FL ’26). Junior was also easily swayed with the promise of Chick Fil A so he also swam the 500 Freestyle! He had some good 50 yard splits that look promising for future distance swimming. He came 1st for HMA.
– Wadsworth, I (San Antonio, FL ’26). Isaac had the unfortunate DQ in Backstroke with the incorrect finish, but his time looked promising and with more practice he’ll master this technical stroke on his back.

With all this information I cannot overlook the final scores!
HMA 138 – Bassett 43
HMA 150 – George Washington 41
HMA 128 – Halifax County 81
HMA 150 – Magna Vista 12
HMA 152 – Martinsville 10

So a huge win across the board for our boys! It goes to show when the team is nearly at full capacity what they are capable of and how it affects the final results/scores.

This coming week is a busy week with swim meets on:

  • Tuesday December 7th:
    • At HMA
    • Starting at 3:30 pm
    • Diving will commence after the final swimming event
    • Available for viewing on HMA’s YouTube channel
    • Opponents are: Roanoke Catholic School; and Chatham Hall in attendance
  • Friday December 10th:
    • At HMA
    • Starting at 3:30 pm
    • Diving will commence after the final swimming event
    • Available for viewing on HMA’s YouTube channel
    • Opponents are: Fork Union Military Academy and The Covenant School;  and Chatham Hall in attendance