Though they fell 9 points short for a tie and 10 points for a victory, the HMA Rifle Team fired an outstanding match. This was their best performance of the season and the entire team should indeed be proud of their progression. For their level of experience, they have surpassed any normal expectations of a young team with a majority of first year shooters. 1st year shooter Parker saved the point spread by firing a 254. He has shown remarkable progress and his efforts at this match were appreciated by all. Both Parker and Backman were part of the team’s top 4 shooters. Kirk, Lee and Wall fired their personal best scores thus far this season. They too are progressing well with their marksmanship skills. Wall has broken the 200-point barrier. For every match, both Largen and Forrester carried the team to a competitive end result. They are truly the mainstay of the team. Largen has increased his match average to 258 points. Forrester is currently the top gun of the HMA rifle team and according to statistics; he is highly competitive for the highest average (266) in the entire league.
Top 4: Forrester 269, Largen 259, Parker 254, Backman 233
Other scores: Lee 217, Wall 210, Kneppler 206, Kirk 195