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Varsity Rifle Team vs. Fishburne Military School

Hargrave 1065 – FMS 1019

The tiger shooters began the 2006 season by defeating FMS, 1065 to 1019. This score exceeds last year’s high score of the 2005 season by one point. The team is off to a great start. Corbin Forrester, a second year shooter, buckled up and fired a 265. This is a personal best for him. Other noted performances were: Lazo fired the high match score (276). Lazo also fired the high standing score for the match (89). Haymes fired a steady match (268) and tied an opponent for high match prone (98) and high match kneeling (95). Both Frank and Gladding fired a 256. Gladding broke the tie by shooting more bull’s-eyes than Frank. Largen, Gray and Kneppler are first year shooters and based on their first match showing, the team can expect to see some top 4 contributions from them as the season progresses. Top 4: Lazo 276, Haymes 268, Forrester 265, Gladding 256 Other Scores: Frank 256, Largen 228, Gray 226, Kneppler 184 Capo and Chung-Lee did an outstanding job scoring the targets for the match and looking out for the best interest of the team.

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