Hargrave 1070 – Massanutten 892
The Tiger Shooters were confident and focused on the firing line. They fired their best match in recent history. Since fall 2005, the rifle team has fired 15 consecutive matches, to include the 2005 state tournament without a loss. There were a large number of “personal best” match scores and position scores fired at this match. Gladding fired a personal best and match high score (275). He also fired the match high standing score (88). The match high prone score (98) was fired by Lazo. There was a three way tie for the match high kneeling score. Gladding, Frank and Forrester (91). Forrester broke the 260 point barrier for the third time this season. Team Captain, Lazo, fired above 270 for the second time this season. Kneppler fired a new personal best 233. All of the shooters fired above 200 points, including Gray, Frank and Kneppler.
Top 4: Gladding 275, Lazo 273, Forrester 264, Haymes 258
Other Scores: Frank 243, Gray 233, Kneppler 233, Largen 207